Mothercity (2017)
Stuga (2018)
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“I wanted to tell you something about this city. But I still find myself wondering: Where are the giraffes of Brasília?” In the form of a letter to a friend, Mothercity explores both family histories of migration and modern dreams of city planning and architecture as the means to construct new modes of life. The city of Brasília, the city out of itself, appears both as a failed utopia and a caring adoptive mother. A non-place on which to project desire for a home, for belonging, or simply for a life liveable.
text citerad ur: Stig Larson, Autisterna, 1979 Kristina Lugn, Döda honom, 1978 Pelle Molin, Ådalens poesi, 1897 Jan Myrdal, Skriftställning, 1968 Khashayar Naderehvandi, Allting glittrar och ingenting tar slut, 2016 Johannes Salminen, Levande och död tradition, 1963 Henrik Tikkanen, Bävervägen 11 Hertonäs, 1976 Ingeborg Wikander, Fem år i Kina, 1923 Henrik Wranér, Från stugor och gårdar, 1912 Fågelsång inspelad av juskiddink, genom